Thursday, February 12, 2009

More or Less (a note to my generation)

more writing, less typing
more directing, less watching
more creating, less buying
more vision, less wishing
more inventions, less waiting for permission
more doing, less talking
more originality, less duplicating
more love, less hate

more of more


1 comment:


I like this. The line "more writing less typing" romgs a bell. A few days ago I found some old stories/journals from highschool that were all handwritten- gorgeous handwriting- then tried to mimick my old handwriting, it looks more like chicken scratch these days. I showed Jay (who could barely read it) and relized it's b/c all we do anymore is type. So i sat down and wrote out an entire page of nonsense, just to work on my handwriting. My the end of the page it imrpobed a little- but not much. And my hand cramped for two days.